about dr. tammy sorenson besher

dr. tammy
welcomes you...
Dr. Tammy journeys her community to create the freedom, calm, and relief we all desire. She developed the first and only transformational formula to combine a foundation in emotional fitness, with the building blocks of Eastern medicine, and lifestyle medicine.​ She combines a nurturing, heart-centered approach, filled with, compassionate and care along with encompassing Eastern medicine acupuncture/acupressure, tapping, meridian mapping), neuroscience (study of the nervous system), metacognition (our thought processes and an understanding of the patterns behind them), epigenetics (study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work), functional and bioregulatory medicine (root cause, personalized, lifestyle approaches with emphasis on drainage and detox, diet, mind-body medicine, and oral health), somatic bodywork (aligning the physical, mental, and emotional), nutrition (food is medicine), mindfulness (handles stress in the now), meditation (heals the stress from your past), and being your health advocate that assists you to reclaim a balanced and fulfilling life.
Dr. Tammy Sorenson Besher's passion and life's mission is to inspire her patients to change their beliefs and perceptions about themselves. She encourages her patients to recondition their minds, hearts, and bodies to a new, future self. This embodiment opens her patients to create change, generate gratitude, express joy, become empowered, and produce a heightened flow state that creates a healing space for her patients to feel whole and free. This information is transformational to heal their pain, diminish worry and anxiety, improve sleep, increase energy, and open their hearts to love themselves, and others. She collaborates with her patients to break habits and addictions that are keeping them stuck in their predictable past and creates a download for making new choices that create a new future.
Dr. Tammy's prescription is to change your energy, open your heart, and change your life!
Dr. Tammy has built her practice in holistic healing arts for over the last 25 years around the embodiment of self. She guides her patients down their own path of healing using her personal experiences, education, hands on modalities, and her mind, heart, and body approach. Dr. Tammy has been blessed with being able to create a new life where her numerous autoimmune conditions, chronic freeze state from sympathetic dominance, infertility, stress, pain, sleep disturbances, and fatigue did not stop her in believing in a future self that is healthy, whole, and free from her past. She has created health, two healthy and happy children, peace of mind, and a successful elimination of stress and pain.
She is a doctor of acupuncture and (Qi) energy medicine, a board certified Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner (IFMCP), board certified licensed acupuncturist, licensed massage therapist, energy worker, meditation specialist, certified yoga instructor, certified nutritional consultant, and clinical nutritionist. Her passion is for patients to attain an energetic balanced state of health and well being.
In her acupuncture, massage, yoga, and meditative modalities she optimizes her patients elevated state of healing through balancing energy (QI) frequencies. With the knowledge from the patients stresses from fear, guilt, worry, control, anger, and ego, environment, pain, relationships, emotions from thoughts and feelings, past beliefs, and life choices, she is able to download a conscious awareness to an individualized treatment plan specific to each patient. This information facilitates the intelligence from her trainings to create a balance of wholeness in the energy systems of her patients. This allows the space for the reconditioning of the emotional, chemical, and physical environment of the patient. She fuses her treatments from a coherent centering of their heart, then moves onto the mind, body and spirit.
In her functional and nutritional medicine philosophies she will investigative patient-centered lifestyle techniques and factors, identify opportunistic environmental contributors, open the focus on past traumas to recondition the mind, body, and heart, and shed light on genetics and epigenetics to ascertain ways to gain metabolic, energetic, and nutritional optimization.
Each patient will be assessed for a different approach to treatment for wholeness to take place. She will work with her patients as a team to harmonize mind, body, and heart to change the genetic destiny. Her research and patient demographic have demonstrated that 70-80% of the population is living under high stress aka "The Flight, Fight and Freeze Response". When we are stressed the body becomes out of balance. This allows the over-thinking, analytical brain to control the energy and dysregulate the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The ANS regulates the internal physiological processes we don’t consciously think about. When our bodies move into that program, the state of the heart, body, mind, and spirit do not have the energy to keep the body well and whole which in turn disregulates it and cause dis-ease.
She has complemented her two certified functional medicine training programs with her over twenty-five years of yoga, Tai-Chi and hands on massage and bodywork training, and more recently, her meditation specialization to harmonize the bodies energies systems and facilitate a synergistic healing approach to take place with her patients.
When Dr. Tammy practices functional medicine, she personalizes the medicine to explore the root cause of disease instead of treating symptoms. She has fused the biomedical model along with the body-mind connection to produce the most abundant healing benefits in her patients. She uses functional medicine to help you find root cause solutions to the cause of your condition from nutritional, genetic, environmental, physiological, neurochemical and biochemical imbalances that may be making you feel unwell.
Dr. Tammy will search for underlying triggers that are contributing to your disharmony through innovative testing, lifestyle modifications, epigenetics and neuroscience to customize the intervention to your specific needs as an individual. Dr. Tammy then merges the information with physical, emotional and chemical environments of the patient to produce mind, heart and body coherence outcomes.
She may use nutrition, acupuncture, massage, yogic breath, mindfulness, meditation, energy balancing, movement, visualization, stress modulation, sleep efficiency, supplements, relationship evaluations and lifestyle changes to treat your disharmony but will seek the most nurturing way to help your body restore balance. She seeks to promote wellness and create personal worthiness in patients to feel whole, healthy, balanced and a joy for life.

dr. tammy's mission
At Soaringsun Health & Acupuncture, we believe that you can achieve optimal health, wholeness and abundance regardless of limiting health and body beliefs, personal limitations and the lack of joy for life. We build on our philosophy that human transformation is possible by being given an opportunity to step beyond our limitations and embrace a new mind and heart centered approach to overcome ourselves. We strive to create an environment filled with love, patience, compassion, truth, coherence, understanding and kindness. As we listen carefully to how you want to change yourself and your life, we partner with you to create a personalized treatment plan focused on treating the root cause of a limitation and empowering your mind, heart and body to a new consciousness which facilitates the innate healing process that may stretch patients beyonds their limits of what they thought was possible and emerge into a transformation of the new self.